War and conflicts are a means to a political end, nothing more.
This is an outrageous statement to blanket all war with.
War is absolutely not a means to a political end in all instances. To state this in such a way is borderline insulting to society. I would absolutely agree that there have been battles and perhaps wars that have been fought for political reasons but by no means have all wars been for this purpose.
I use as just one example the civil war of the United States. This was fought over slavery and the entire point of the war was morality. This was not politically motivated all, as the ownership of slaves and the spread of the practice was a boon for white owners. Fighting it's spread and eventually abolishing it only resulted in the loss of money. This was not fought over political reasons, because a HUGE portion of the United States obviously opposed the repression of slavery. it was an issue of morality. It was about right and wrong.
Further, It may be impossible for religion to go down without something akin to a civil war in this country. Should it come to that it would be an issue of morality. Christianity is why stem cell research is banned, Christianity is the reason why a 100% effective HPV vaccine is banned, Christianity is so deep in our government here that it has its hands on everything. Francis Collins I believe (if I remember right is or was the head of the WHO) has even taken a side opposing any future vaccine against aids based on religious beliefs.
To say that war is strictly political is misguided and ignorant. It is a fact that there are societies on our planet that live in circumstances brought on by a dark ages worldview of their leaders or religious representatives and these people are willing to kill themselves to drag everyone else down to that same level.
If you think it merely a political motivation that drives people to oppose, fight, and die fighting this darkness then I suggest you go live in it for a while and gain a little culture.
war may SOMETIMES be politically motivated, but war ALL OF THE TIME has something to do with morality - whether on the positive or negative side of the spectrum. It is impossible to spread good morality without war against those who would die for the bad. Therefore, war against the bad morality of the world is not only moral, but completely founded on morality - because it's literally a battle between good and evil. No politics involved.